Friday, October 31, 2008


BTC enjoyed an eventful evening at the Taflinger's, who hosted this year's FALL FEST! Our high schoolers enjoyed some delicious italian home-cookin' and treats and got to paint their very own pumpkins! All the students were quite creative in their pumpkin-painting! Everyone also enjoyed a "spooky" wagonride (a.k.a. a hayride minus the hay) hosted by a local church. It was a blast-lots of laughs. Barack Obama made his second appearance at Bridges by taking a moment out of his busy campaign schedule to join one of the wagonrides!


Anonymous said...

BTC Fall Fest was awsome from laughung so hard I thought I would die to having the crap scared out of me. It was the best night I had in a while!!!!

Anonymous said...

this feild trip was very fun, i loved to go there im very happy that i had joined bridges