Last weekend, our junior high and high school students partnered with the youth at First Church of God to participate in this event. To get even a minimal idea of what it's like to starve we took part in a fast for 30 hours. The fast allowed us to gain a glimpse into how difficult it is to not have food. Another part of the 30 Hour Famine included actually raising money to send to starving children. Bridges helped raise $425! Saturday, we had an opportunity to help out Kokomo Urban Outreach's local food pantry by going into local neighborhoods to collect canned food. After collecting food and the closing ceremony we broke the fast together with some delicious nachos and ice cream sundaes for dessert! Overall, it was a humbling but fun weekend for our students.
Beyond the serious side we also got to have a little fun! Here are some pics from the weekend...
it was fun
it was a hard to do because i got hungry the feast at the end was the bomb alot of nachos were grate so was the ice cream
3 doors down is an awsome band
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